

The Fiji Government has thanked the Papua New Guinea Government for successfully hosting the Fifth Melanesian Arts and Culture Festival.
Fiji High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, Romanu Tikotikoca, delivered the acknowledgment on behalf of his government, and said it was a very good experience for the contingent.

The 5th Melanesian Festival of arts and Culture hosted in Papua New Guinea, has received positive comments from the Fiji government.

Commissioner Tikotikotha expressed satisfaction and gratitude to the PNG Government for the successful event.

Fiji also lost one of its contingent members during the festival, and with the PNG Government’s full assistance and support, it was an unforgettable experience.

The commissioner said, with Tourism, Arts and Culture, Minister Boka Kondra accompanying the body of the late Finau Mara to Fiji, showed the true Melanesian spirit.

Despite minor hiccups and unfortunate incidents, from an international view point, the Fiji High Commissioner said, the contingent really enjoyed the stay, experiencing the PNG way.
To maintain the Melanesian spirit, the Fiji High Commissioner made arrangements with the PNG Government, for cultural exchange programs.

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