POLICE Comissioner TomKulunga has imposed a ban on betel nuts at the national headquarters at Konedobu, Port Moresby.
“This is in support of NCD Governor Powes Parkop’s ban on the public sale and consumption of the popular nut,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Kulunga said as a responsible government department and the key enforcement agency, it must take a lead in supporting “this worthy initiative”.
“Betel nuts chewing is not only contributing to making our city, homes and work places filthy, but is believed to be responsible for the spread of many airborne diseases, including TB,” he said.
He warned any police officer found selling, being in possession of or chewing betel nuts at police headquarters “will be severely dealt with”. “While it is the people’s right to eat or chew whatever they want, they have shown over time that they are not responsible people and spit betel nut and throw its rubbish all over our city,” he said.
“It is a total disgrace and Governor Parkop’s move must be supported by everyone, especially those in leadership positions both in the government and private sectors.