
Manus asylum seekers call on Australia for answers

Business Pacific

 THE asylum seekers detained at the Manus
Island refugee processing centre have sent
the Australian government a list of questions they want answered on their welfare and future.
The list of questions was forwarded to authorities at the centre before the violence erupted on Sunday and Monday nights this week.
The questions are:

Is there a process (on our refugee status)? What is it?
How long are we going to be here?
When will we have our freedom?
Will transferees who have been deemed refugees in another country be given priority in processing?
Why is there no PNG partnership?
Some of the transferees have been interviewed some time ago.
What is happening with our process?
What is the hold up?
Who is responsible for us here in Manus - PNG or Australia?
And refugees that arrived from Darwin, why won’t Immigration allow the media to come and interview us?
Will the Australian Government take responsibility for our mental health problems?
The Play Fair lawyer said there was a third country option.
Why can’t we be sent to this other country?
Why are our human rights not respected?

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