Papua New Guinea has again showed its generous hand to support smaller island states in the pacific region. The Republic of Palau, a Micronesian state of 21,000 people spread over 250 small islands; will host the 45th Pacific Islands Leaders’ Summit this year. With its economy depending largely on foreign aid, its President Tommy Remengesau Jr. approached PNG to help fund the hosting of the summit. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill was sympathetic and agreed to assist with K600,000. The Department of Foreign Affairs last week sent this money to the government of Palau through telegraphic transfer. The summit will be held from July 29 to August 2 this year on Palau’s Koror Island, it’s most populous. “Palau, like most other island states in the region, faces many difficult challenges, not least of all its reliance on foreign aid and the threat of rising sea levels. “As the largest economy in the region, we must stand ready to support our neighbours when called upon. “Some of the issues to be discussed during the Leaders’ Summit include climate change, transnational crime, labour mobility, and others that directly impact the lives of our people in the region. “I hope our assistance will go a long way in helping Palau host a successful summit,” Prime Minister O’Neill said.